





  1、Raw corner(原始角)- 纸张的实际角落。

  2、Raw edge(原始边)- 纸张的实际边缘。

  3、Intersection(交点)- 折痕和/或边缘相交的点。

  4、Crease(折痕)- 已经折叠过的线条,现在是平的。在图示中,折痕终止于距离原始边缘一小段距离。

  5、Corner()- 纸张形成小于180°的角的点。

  6、Coloured side(彩色面)- 纸张通常在最终模型中可见的一面。

  7、Edge/folded edge(边缘/折叠边缘)- 由折叠而形成的边缘。

  8、White side(白色面)- 纸张通常在最终模型中隐藏的一面。

  9、Flap()- 纸张的一部分可以独立地绕一个轴旋转。

  10、Angle bisector(角平分线)- 描述将角分成两半的线条。

  11、Base(基础)- 模型的部分折叠阶段,其中所有所需的翼已经创建,但尚未进行艺术塑形。如果有一条线穿过所有翼,并且所有翼都在与此线垂直的线上铰接,那么这样的基础称为轴向基础。在折叠基础后最终落在轴线上的折痕称为轴向折痕。

  12、Diagrams(图示)- 用于传达折纸步骤的一组图像(和相应的文本)。

  13、Crease pattern (CP)(折痕图)- 用于创建模型基础的折痕。每个模型的折痕图在图示开始之前展示。





  The first occurrence of an origami-specific term will be in bold and accompanied by the definition.

  Note that while understanding the terminology is useful, the text is merely a supplement to the images and is not enough to fold from alone. Use the images as the default method of reading the diagrams.

  Raw corner – The actual corner of the paper.

  Raw edge – The actual edge of the paper.

  Intersection – A point where creases and/or edges meet.

  Crease – A line that has previously been folded but is now flat. In a diagram, creases terminate a short distance away from a raw edge.

  Corner – A point where the paper forms an angle less than 180°.

  Coloured side – The side of the paper which is usually intended to be seen in the final model.

  Edge/folded edge – An edge created by folding.

  White side – The side of the paper which is usually intended to be hidden in the final model.

  Flap – A portion of paper that can independently swing about an axis.

  Angle bisector – The term used to describe a line that halves an angle.

  Base – The partially-folded stage of a model when all required flaps have been created, but there has been no artistic shaping. A base is axial if there is a line which passes through all flaps, and all flaps hinge on lines which are perpendicular to this line. Such a line is called the axis of the base. Creases which end up on the axis after folding the base are axial creases.

  Diagrams – The set of images (and accompanying text) used to convey a folding sequence.

  Crease pattern (CP) – The folds used to create the base of a model. The crease pattern for each model is shown before the diagrams begin.

  CIRCLES ON CPS For axial bases, each flap of the base is represented by a circle on the crease pattern. Some bases are partially axial and only have some circles drawn. These circles are at the core of circle packing.


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